Flip Clock Screensaver for iPad 2024 | Zen flipclock

FliqloappforiPhoneandiPad...Thisisaclockappthatre-createsthebehaviorofavintageflipclockwithamodernandminimaldesign.OnMac,Fliqlohas ...,2023年12月17日—TheappoffersaTodaywidgetthatdisplaysthetimeinseconds,homescreenandlockscreenclockwidgetdisplaywi...。參考影片的文章的如下:


Download Fliqlo app for iPhone and iPad

Fliqlo app for iPhone and iPad ... This is a clock app that re-creates the behavior of a vintage flip clock with a modern and minimal design. On Mac, Fliqlo has ...

Flip Clock - digital widgets for iPhone

2023年12月17日 — The app offers a Today widget that displays the time in seconds, home screen and lock screen clock widget display with seconds, and a calendar ...

Flip Clock - digital widgets on the App Store

2024年2月2日 — Flip Clock is a classic desktop digital clock. The desktop clock widget supports displaying seconds and a calendar. Clock can be displayed ...


Tired of flip clock apps with a lot of ADs and permissions? This is an open source app that displays a flip clock on your phone with no permission and no ad ...


Fliqlo for iOS/iPadOS is a clock app that allows you to make your mobile device screen look like a flip clock. It displays the time with flip animation in large ...


FliqloappforiPhoneandiPad...Thisisaclockappthatre-createsthebehaviorofavintageflipclockwithamodernandminimaldesign.OnMac,Fliqlohas ...,2023年12月17日—TheappoffersaTodaywidgetthatdisplaysthetimeinseconds,homescreenandlockscreenclockwidgetdisplaywithseconds,andacalendar ...,2024年2月2日—FlipClockisaclassicdesktopdigitalclock.Thedesktopclockwidgetsupportsdisplayingsecondsandacalendar.Clockcanbedi...